From the West
Take Northern State Parkway to exit 42N (Route 231, Deer Park Road). Merge onto Deer Park Road, and then bear right (aftrer the firehouse) onto East Deer Park Road (County Road 66). After about 0.8 miles you will merge into Jericho Turnpike. Make a left (at the light) onto Elwood Road. Take Elwood North to Cedar Road (traffic light). Make a right on Cedar and an immediate left onto Markwood Lane. Number 6 is one of the last houses on the left side (after the road bends to the right). |
From the East
(click on map for a larger version)
Get to Sagtikos Parkway and take it North to Jericho Turnpike West. From there, you can go the more direct (but slower) way or take the shortcut which avoids Jericho Turnpike traffic. The direct way (shown above) takes you past a lot of shopping centers and a lot of traffic where you will make the right turn on Larkfield Road (by the Home Depot). Take Larkfield North until you reach Cedar Road (at a traffic light). Turn left on Cedar and then make the third right onto Greenvale Drive. Make the second left on Markwood Lane and find number 6 on the right.
Or, use this alternate route:
(click on map for a larger version)
To take the "shortcut" (shown above), make an immediate right turn onto Old Indian Head Road and take it North until it changes to Havemeyer Lane and bends to the left. Havemeyer will end at Townline Road. Make a right on Townline and an immediate left onto Burr Road. Take Burr road until Larkfield road and make a right. Proceed North on Larkfield until you get to Cedar Rd. where you will make a left. Make the third right onto Greenvale Drive and the second left onto Markwood Lane. Find number 6 on the right. |